We warmly invite you to attend our events. We look forward to meeting and getting to know you! And since our community is driven by everyone, we want to encourage you to participate. That can be as simple as washing your own mug, that of someone else, offering them your help, returning for more events, or joining the student board and running your own events.
In any of the above cases we want to invite you to use and treat The InnBetween like your second home. This way we want to make it most comfortable and inclusive to everyone.
A student board member in The InnBetween is responsible for either weekly Tafelen dinners, weekend events, or a few events per year in one of our core interests: Social Responsibility, Spirituality, Sustainability, Science, and Arts & Culture.

We like giving you great freedom in what the events will be like. We trust that with your nature you will attract people with a similar mindset and interest. Yet, there is also a lot of guidance available from our chaplains Petra and Rachelle.
During your time with us, you can expect to realize your own events, help out at other Wide Horizon and Sunday's Growth events, as well as Tafelen, which is Thursday's community dinner. Cooking, preparations, and aftercare are all part of the tasks. At monthly team nights we check-in, update each other, and share on a personal note how the past weeks have been for each of us. We are confident that you will also experience a boost in your communication and organizational skills, as well as better public speaking that is trained in a caring and non-judgemental environment.
Being on the student board is a 4-5 h/week volunteering position, yet there is a financial compensation near the end of the academic year (bestuursmaanden). Also, during the entire year, weekly Tafelen dinners are for free. On top, The InnBetween offers lots of space for creative ideas and projects that you like to initiate and grow. We invite you to use and treat The InnBetween like your second home, also outside of events.
Read more about the responsibilities of the different student board positions under the team.

Become Part of our Student Board
We are usually looking for the next academic year’s student board from April, sometimes positions also free up in January. While we usually post about vacancies on our social media, we also look forward to your unsolicited application around these times!
Read here our code of conductThe same holds true for the position of Connect Festival manager, organizing our week-long free festival in September. We start looking for a festival manager around March.
The positions of the festival manager, the weekend activity (Growth) organizer, and PR team are paid positions.

Volunteer at Refugee Project Maastricht
At The InnBetween we like our team members to stay for an entire academic year. And we understand that this is not always possible or that you like to start volunteering throughout the year, even if there are no board member positions vacant.
At the Refugee Project Maastricht, a spin-off of The InnBetween, we regularly look for volunteers joining one of the many teams. For more information check their website or get in touch.